First off, outsourcing as a whole is still a fairly popular business practice. In fact, companies don’t even do it just to cut costs. Sure the costs are still part of the reason but that’s only because cutting costs enables what has been saved to expand and spurn the growth of a business.

Telemarketing is just one of the many processes which enable that (especially if you’re company with a B2B market). Generally, decision makers represent the companies you’re targeting and the busy lives they lead guarantees a lower response rate in terms of marketing methods. Simply put, it’s hard to imagine them having the time to browse sites with ads or read the newspaper. On the other hand, they still have a phone and if you know your way past a gatekeeper or have experience with voicemail, you’ll have a higher chance of getting their attention. It’s not something they can really avoid answering because they’ll be using it to make and receive other business calls.

As a result, telemarketing (among several others) is a common medium of communication for B2B lead generation. The thing about lead generation though is that it takes a nice chunk of investment just to get it right. Hence, you have outsourcing because some companies would just rather focus on improving their specializations than spend too much time worrying about having enough B2B sales leads.

Once you decide to outsource though, it won’t take long before you’re torn between outsourcing an offshore or an onshore company. The questions and arguments which come with this decision are not exclusively about business anymore. This part doesn’t just make it tricky. The things you’ll hear from both sides can be highly controversial and touch on subjects such as the economy, ethics, as well as politics.

In terms of economics, those who support onshore companies say that it gives more jobs to one’s fellow citizens and in turn, it helps the economy. Those who are for offshore cite a similar reason but add in the fact that a lot of offshore companies are from developing countries who need economic improvement more than those in the First World.

On the subject of ethics, supporters of onshore accuse those who use offshore companies of abusing gaps between economies and currencies which in turn, leads to exploiting the desperation of many Third World workers. Meanwhile, proponents of offshore counter this charge by saying that the jobs being ‘saved’ are jobs that people in the First World never wanted in the first place.

Summing it all up will turn the whole thing into a political discussion where those for onshore are accused of extreme patriotism while those for offshore are advocating the economic decay of their country.

It’s easy say that the questions of quality and cost-efficiency are the most objective. That doesn’t stop people from bringing up the above issues. Don’t underestimate their capacity to affect your decision because their points are still worth noting. Hopefully, reading this can help you think them through in advance.

Maxwell Stinson is a B2B Telemarketing Specialist and Marketing Expert that works for Kick-Start Sales Force. Max invites you to visit for more details on B2B telemarketing.