The Link Between Diabetes And Hypertension

by LOD2project According to NCHS data released in 2010, 45% of the adults living in the US had at least one of three diagnosed or undiagnosed chronic conditions – hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, or diabetes; one in eight adults (13%) had two of these conditions; and 3% of adults had all three chronic conditions. Nearly one in […]

Dieting Can Be Linked To Hypertension

by LOD2project People are never too old or too young to start an effective healthy weight loss diet plan for dropping pounds. Additionally, folks eliminating pounds leads to reducing their risk for heart problems. Folks can find many options an individual can do to reduce pounds and reduce their risk of heart problems. Many people […]

Diabetes, Hypertension Linked to Mental Decline

by LOD2project Last week, a couple (both are my clients), walked into my clinic and the husband wanted to know if there was any definitive test for ‘mental power’ as he put it. On probing a bit deeper he said he felt his mental abilities had declined somewhat but that he wasn’t very sure of […]