(PRWEB) June 03, 2015

University of California Merced has selected Advanced Clustering Technologies to build a cluster supercomputer that will support research at the institution.

The new supercomputer will help researchers at the university quickly and flexibly conduct their research projects while expanding the ability to answer the questions being asked, said Hrant Hratchian, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at UC Merced. “This new system will enable us to make scientific calculations much faster than was previously possible.”

The supercomputer will be built using Advanced Clustering’s Pinnacle Flex architecture, which is designed with performance, efficiency, flexibility and upgradeability in mind. Pinnacle Flex, which offers multiple configuration options to meet the most demanding computing needs, use servers based on the Intel® Xeon® processor E5 family.

Dedicated GPU nodes will help researchers accelerate their code. Advanced Clustering’s online job submission tool, eQUEUE, not only enables batch job submissions, it also supports interactive GUI applications and remote visualization and provides detailed analytics and reporting to better manage the cluster and its users.

“We have enjoyed working with Hrant and his team on this system, and we look forward to seeing what research comes from this new supercomputer,” said Jim Paugh, Director of Sales at Advanced Clustering. “With this new HPC system, UC Merced will give the university and its students the tools they need to maximize their research efforts.”

About UC Merced

UC Merced opened in 2005 and is the 10 campus of the University of California. As the first American student-centered research university of the 21st century, UC Merced’s strong graduate and research programs mesh with high-quality undergraduate programs. New knowledge increasingly depends on links among the disciplines, working together on questions that transcend the traditional disciplines. UC Merced fosters and encourages cross-disciplinary inquiry and discovery. For more information, visit ucmerced.edu.

About Advanced Clustering Technologies

Advanced Clustering has been providing universities, government agencies, corporations and independent researchers with the most efficient and effective high performance computing solutions since the company was founded in 2001. The company provides turn-key, customized HPC systems along with customer service and technical support for the life of the systems.

For more information, visit advancedclustering.com.