Glass Room by Mozilla & TTC in London

There’s a lot of high-brow, abstract talk about privacy and personal data. SEE ALSO: Moscow’s facial recognition CCTV network is the biggest example of surveillance society yet But when it comes to our personal experience with it, all we usually get is a long, boring, overlooked list of conditions that nobody reads before signing up […]

Latest Linked Data News

IMG_1749 Image by krunkwerke 11/11/11 11:11:11 (GMT-5:00), as witnessed by a Timex Data Link model 50 watch. I’ve been waiting for over a year (since 10/10/10 10:10:10), to capture this precise moment.

Affordable Data Switches for Data Monitoring

by danja. A data monitoring switch is a networking hardware appliance that provides a pool of monitoring tools with access to traffic from a large number of network links. It provides a combination of functionality that may include aggregating monitoring traffic from multiple links, regenerating traffic to multiple tools, pre-filtering traffic to offload tools, and […]

How Linked Data Solved A Digital Age Marketing Problem

How Linked Data Solved A Digital Age Marketing Problem Linked Data, which makes up The Semantic Web or Web 3.0 looks to be the common way to define what data means and that everything is just the same, providing links to external resources like apps and even adding the possibility to query multiple datasets. Read […]

New DAPT data prominent at ESC 2015

New DAPT data prominent at ESC 2015 Jacob A. Udell, MD, MPH, and colleagues found that long-term DAPT was linked to a higher rate of major bleeding, but not of fatal bleeding or non-CV death. Compared with aspirin alone, DAPT beyond 1 year was associated with a lower risk for major … Read more on Healio […]