The Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics

[ad_1] “If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what our thoughts can do to us.” – from the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!? The Law of Attraction teaches that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on. Quantum Physics teaches that nothing is fixed, that there are no limitations, that everything […]

Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics – 4 Keys to Proper Manifesting

[ad_1] The Law of Attraction teaches us that thoughts are things. And that by focusing on our goals and dreams, we can attract those things. Quantum Physics looks at how the world works on a sub-atomic or quanta level. Here’s a linear way to understand the powerful connection between Quantum Physics and LOA. 1. Newton […]

Tying loose ends? Gravitational waves could solve string theory, study claims

New paper suggests that the hotly contested physics thesis, which involves the existence of six extra dimensions, may be settled by cutting-edge laser detectors. String theory makes the grand promise of weaving together all of physics into a single sublime framework. The only downside is that scientists have yet to find any experimental proof that […]

Will scientists ever prove the existence of dark matter?

Astronomers in the US are setting up an experiment which, if it fails as others have could mark the end of a 30-year-old theory. Deep underground, in a defunct gold mine in South Dakota, scientists are assembling an array of odd devices: a chamber for holding tonnes of xenon gas; hundreds of light detectors, each […]

First edition of Isaac Newton’s Principia set to fetch $1m at auction

Rare European copy of key mathematics text is going under hammer at Christies in New York with record guide price. A first edition of Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica could become the most expensive print sold of the revolutionary text when it goes under the hammer with a guide price of at least $1m (790,000) […]