Aurora, Illinois (PRWEB) June 24, 2014

Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz is proud to announce the release of her first book in Spanish in conjunction with Girón Books. 200 Consejos Poderosos para Alcanzar el Éxito en los Negocios (ISBN No. 978-0-991544-21-9 List price: $ 12.95), is currently available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Books A Million. The book is scheduled to hit KMart, Wal-Mart and independent bookseller shelves in July 2014.

Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz was inspired to write 200 Consejos Poderosos para Alcanzar el Éxito en los Negocios after the success of her first four books and as a way to give back to her beloved Hispanic community. Her other titles include The Little Book of Business Secrets That Work!; the Fig Factor; the Fig Factor Journal and Overcoming Mediocrity (contributing author). She decided to write her first book after a radio interviewer asked her to reveal insider secrets to running a successful business. She is currently working on The Crusaders, a motivational comic book written for children.

“This is a very significant moment for me,” says Camacho-Ruiz. “I am truly honored to have this opportunity to share some of the business lessons I have learned with a community that is part of who I am.”

Those who have met or done business with her know that her generosity of spirit is something that is simply part of who she is. She is always looking for opportunities to help others, whether it’s a thank you for a job done well or guiding a young entrepreneur through starting their own business.

“Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz is an extremely successful Latina entrepreneur who is living the American Dream,” says Juan Manuel Giron, owner of Giron Books, Inc. the firm that has published and distributes 200 Consejos Poderosos para Alcanzar el Éxito en los Negocios. “She is using this book to inspire thousands of individuals who want to become successful business-owners.”

Jacqueline Camacho has a book signing scheduled at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore located at 102 Commons Drive in Geneva, IL on August 23, 2014. She will also present her book at the Feria de Libro by Giron Books on August 30 at the Sam’s Club parking lot at the corner of 26th Street & Cicero Avenue in Chicago. For more information, visit

About the Author

Camacho-Ruiz was born in Mexico City, and immigrated to the United States at age 14 where she learned English in just two years.  Hungry for knowledge, Jacqueline earned her college degree and became trilingual (German).   After attending college, Camacho-Ruiz founded her award-winning marketing agency, JJR Marketing, in 2006. She now shares over a decade of marketing and public relations experience with audiences and clients that include Fortune 500 companies.

With a rare ability to transfer her own experiences as a young Hispanic woman into business plans and materials that reach multiple markets, she was recognized by the Chicago Association of Direct Marketing as an Emerging Leader. She also received the Entrepreneurial Excellence Award from the Business Ledger and was named a finalist in the Latina Entrepreneur of the Year by the Chicago Latino Network. She resides in Aurora with her husband and business partner, Juan Pablo, and their two children.

For more information about Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz or to book her for a speaking engagement, please visit

Giron Books, is a Chicago-based firm specializing in distributing best-selling titles in Spanish across the entire U.S. territory and Puerto Rico. For almost three decades, Giron Books has become one of the most influential sources for quality literature in Spanish. For more information visit: