Old Crow Medicine Show & Darius Rucker – “Wagon Wheel” | Live at the Grand Ole Opry | Opry
Old Crow Medicine Show are joined by Darius Rucker during a performance of their signature hit “Wagon Wheel” live at the Grand Ole Opry. Visit www.opry.com t…
Music video by Snoop Dogg performing My Medicine. (C) 2008 Geffen Records and Snoopadelic Records LLC.
That nigger ruined this song.
2:57 he rips
Why are the majority of the comments so nasty? The performers seem to be
having a fine time: what, personally, do any of you have invested in every
rendition of every song ever sung?
I love this version, you can tell they are all having a blast together
Gonna see these guys next Sunday in Amsterdam, hope they do this song, it’s
my daughter’s and mine favorite road trip song.
old crow rocks this song…. duck dick.sty and darious ruckster….
destroyed this song….
Love both versions, although I’m partial to Darius’ version heheh.
There’s something wonderful about this song that every time I hear it, it’s
still brilliant. Totally heart warming
Lol, us slack jaw city folks know nothing about good music? You poor guy…
Your dumbness and the reputation of southern rednecks upheld!!
Darius has an incredible voice.
Darius Rucker>>>>>>>Old Crow…
Can’t argue with the voice of Darius Rucker.
Darius sounds 10 times better live than his recordings.Should release a
live cd.
You are an absolute ass clown Jeff!! Darius is awesome and gave this song
the popularity it never got douche!!!
Just shut up and enjoy the music! They don’t seem to mind singing together
so you people who’re complaining, just hush!
Darius isn’t Pop Country you fucking morons. He’s Country. Pop Country is
like Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, etc. People that don’t even sing about
Country. Country is supposed to be about love, tractors, trucks, beer,
backwoods, partying, stuff about actually living in the Country. Taylor
Swift doesn’t sing about that, Darius does. Darius is 100% COUNTRY!!!!
Bonita canción, me gusta….
darius sounds the best live of any contemporary country musicisan
Just enjoy the music people. if u prefer ocms listen to them if u prefer
rucker listen to him. no need to start any arguments here
They’re playing together and recognizing each others versions and yet
people still bitch and moan… You can like one version without tooling out
and hating the other.
He doesnt even like their version. Darius is a fucking sellout.
Awesome. Compliment each other well.
and this is not willie nelson dumbass,this is everlast from the house of
pain,its a willie nelson cover,fuck that racist mofo who posted this video.
que plaga este negro!! regrésen al África hijos de puta, peste humana igual
que los judíos!!! fukkk off black people!!
why the hell would you post this video vevo if you’re going to cut half of
the lyrics out? jesus already
Phish at 1:56 we are everywhere
Anyone able to link me to a site showing how to play this on guitar?
Zdravíme SÚKL a všechny ty politický kriply, co se snažej ač sami
bezpáteřní a mimózní, míchat Marii Janu na veselo s Marií Janou, která léčí
coby poslední naděje nemocemi těžce zkoušených…
Opravdu bravo za vaši posranou a naprosto zbytečnou práci soudruzi
Kádrujou co je a co není pro člověka dobrý totiž.
Obrázek zobrazuje Snoopíka, jednoho z mnoha hulánů Ameriky.
Jeho bratrem v džontu je známej copatej vyvrhel Willie Nelson.
Nechte Travihuanu bejt zlodějský a pedofilní politický svině!
what is this nigga talking about?
Yeah … Snoop !!
the more dedicated, the more medicated :D
This song + Euro Track Simulator = Perfect
noob dogg
..my medicine..
I was always confused why snoop dogg did this track. kinda catchy though.
Get the fuck out girl and get my money
Snoop off da chain
True American heroes–Willie, Snoop,& Johnny Cash (RIP)). LOVE THIS!!! :)
Talented artists.
420 my medicine…
lol, i thought this was a joke but its good in general
fucking awesome except for the censorship…
fuck vevo