Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines. It is a natural science that involves the study of neutrons, electrons, quarks, and other elementary particles, as well as that of the universe. Physics is the study of matter and its motion through space and time. Other related concepts that are included in physics are energy and force. By conducting a general analysis of nature, physics helps human beings understand the behaviour and functioning of the entire universe.

By encouraging better understanding of things that surround us and their causes and then establishing a connection between the various causes, physics helps mankind comprehend the various phenomenon that occur in nature. Continuous experiments being made in this field of science and various advances made so far have led to the development of television, mobile phones, heaters, air conditioners, and other home appliances, as well as various nuclear weapons and industrial machinery. It won’t be wrong to say that physics is responsible for most modern technologies and developments made in our society.

It is due to this that schools, colleges and universities give so much emphasis on physics lab experiments. Most schools make it compulsory for their students to attend physics lab experiments conducted by physics teachers and professors. These lab experiments help students in getting a better understanding of the various principles of physics and the underlying mechanisms and theories related to the universe.

Physics books are mostly theoretical. Physics lab experiments by virtue of being practical, give a better and clearer understanding to students about how energy is made, how electricity is produced, how solar and wind power energy is produced, what produces sound and light, how their refrigerators, microwave ovens, televisions, radios, and other electric appliances at home work, so on and so forth. Students are able to understand everything that surrounds them. With the help of physics lab experiments, nothing remains mystical and magical. Students learn the cause behind everything and develop a rational outlook towards life.

Physics lab experiments do one more significant thing. They lay the foundation for future scientific developments by invoking curiosity and learning abilities in students. Most children develop a strong affinity towards physics and other branches of science in school science lab only when they perform various experiments. Their love and passion motivates them to build their career in science for making significant contributions to the society.

Buying physics lab equipment and school science lab equipment for chemistry, biology, anatomy, and other streams of sciences is therefore crucial for every school and college.

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Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptu…
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