Peoria, IL (PRWEB) March 03, 2015

US Air Purifiers LLC, an Illinois based company specializing in high efficiency air purification systems, is pleased to announce that all Rabbit brand air purifiers are back in stock, following a brief supply interruption related to the west coast port strikes. This news comes just in time, as allergy season is just around the corner.

The port strikes, which have caused significant supply difficulties nationwide and are expected to slow fourth quarter economic growth by as much as 1%, have hindered the restocking capabilities of many major retailers. In a statement related to the ability of small, family owned businesses to weather such problems more easily than huge multinational retailers, Barb Lulay, of US Air Purifiers LLC, said that the key was to “Communicate, communicate, communicate.” Increased interaction directly with vendors is the magic bullet that has gotten Rabbit air purifiers, such as the popular BioGS 2.0 model, back into stock so efficiently.

In addition, US Air Purifiers has also announced that, for a limited time, customers can pick up a complimentary copy of the Allergy Relief Sourcebook, an Ebook about natural methods of allergy relief. It is estimated that up to 55% of the American population suffers from springtime pollen allergies, so now is a great time to get a copy of this free guide to allergy relief, as well as to invest in an air purifier for your home or office.

About the Business:

Barb and Dick Lulay’s customers are passionate about naturally reducing their risk of disease. Their customer service and product expertise make shopping with and an ideal experience. With a full line of natural products such as air purifiers, natural supplements, green cleaners, weight management and paraben free skin care, families find they can conveniently do their household shopping online with home delivery. As successful business owners, the Lulays offer a mentoring program for other aspiring entrepreneurs. They present exceptional marketing tools and a training program that shows how to generate immediate income as well as long term passive income.