Learning the fundamentals of mathematics is intrinsically
important to being able to understand 
higher concepts. Mathematics at its very nature is a subject that builds
upon previously learned knowledge. All too often students slip between the
cracks, or are left behind in the classroom setting, as the teacher moves from
one concept to the next when the majority of the students seem able to perform
the requisite skills.

Whether the student is only able to parrot back the answers
without understanding the concepts behind them, or they understand the concepts
but get confused in the actual computing, once they begin to fall behind, it
becomes ever more challenging to catch up. It is vitally important to ensure
that students are comfortable in the theory as well as the practical aspects of
mathematics, and for students who are struggling, tutoring can be the best

Working one on one, the tutor can discover where the
learning gaps are with relative ease. It then becomes a matter of returning not
only to the stage where the student is floundering, but more importantly to the
stage immediately preceding that. 

Many people struggle with math, believe that math is hard,
and they will never be good at it. This is in large part because of those gaps
in knowledge and understanding, and if they are not reassured and taken back to
place of competence, then any tutoring will simply be a Band-Aid solution. It
is far better to work for a session or two at a level of competence, to build
up the students confidence and then to move ahead to the next level.

At this point, it is important to assess that there is solid
understanding of the concepts as well as the ability to do the computations.
Once the student has gained mastery of each stage, their confidence will
increase and they will be able to build upon their successes.

Of course, there are students to whom math is a serious
challenge, and it is up to the tutor to find ways to get the concepts across,
be it through math games, the use of manipulatives or with real life examples.
Not all students learn in the same manner, and it behoves the tutor to discover
in what manner their student learns best.

Jonathan Ginsburg
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